Senior Wedding & Event Specialist
 717-730-4661 x113




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If I could be anything else in the world I would be…

Bacon ipsum dolor amet chicken bacon short ribs landjaeger ribeye prosciutto meatloaf ham hock. Jerky shank doner pastrami rump boudin, pork belly shoulder hamburger. Shank leberkas picanha ribeye, kevin jowl turducken tongue ball tip tail pork belly chuck. Kielbasa flank venison pork loin sausage hamburger cupim strip steak turkey porchetta salami sirloin shank andouille. Hamburger drumstick frankfurter, short ribs beef capicola rump salami pork chop pork loin.


Bacon ipsum dolor amet chicken bacon short ribs landjaeger ribeye prosciutto meatloaf ham hock. Jerky shank doner pastrami rump boudin, pork belly shoulder hamburger. Shank leberkas picanha ribeye, kevin jowl turducken tongue ball tip tail pork belly chuck. Kielbasa flank venison pork loin sausage hamburger cupim strip steak turkey porchetta salami sirloin shank andouille. Hamburger drumstick frankfurter, short ribs beef capicola rump salami pork chop pork loin.

Pork chop swine tail andouille drumstick pig flank salami beef ribs tongue kevin. Ribeye drumstick kielbasa meatball jowl sirloin meatloaf ham short ribs strip steak shank prosciutto pork loin. Landjaeger venison spare ribs jerky. Flank prosciutto bacon, pork belly spare ribs shankle sirloin swine salami pork chop. Venison t-bone sausage ham bacon tongue rump chicken shank short loin jowl shoulder. Beef ribs chicken meatball, shoulder landjaeger brisket bacon capicola. Swine leberkas hamburger pork chop shank venison ham.


Corporate Event: Traffic Control 2014

Every holiday season, Traffic Control hosts a new theme for their company holiday celebration.  The most recent theme we had the creative freedom to produce was a vibrant Cirque De Soleil theme!  Their employees were mesmerized by the unique vibrant flair of the evening’s festivities!

Guests: 160

Venue: Traffic Control Corporate Office, Hummelstown, Pennsylvania

Event Type: Corporate

Photography: Photo Ole & Samuel Costello Photography


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